Monday, December 12, 2011


If you read this blog regularly, or probably even looked at one post, you know all about my love affair with Mason jars.  Big ones, small ones, open ones, ones with lids, Ball, Kerr, tinted, name it, I love it!  Well this is a tale all about my week in Heaven with jars.  Yep, you heard me. 

The first scene begins on Thursday, when I went to Hobby Lobby (sick, without a lick of make-up on, & wet hair) for a few canvases.  Imagine my surprise when I ran into Mandie & Kim in the parking lot.  I really hadn't planned on staying that long, but I got to wandering around with them when I noticed the "50% off Glassware" sign.  Normally I wouldn't think anything of this, because I have already gotten pretty much all the decorative glass they have that I want/can use.  Imagine my surprise when I saw that same sign right in the middle of a section of Mason jars!  Could it be true Mason jars FIFTY percent off?!  Well, believe it my friends because every single jar was half off.  I have been toying with the idea of giving them as favors to our guests, so I basically cleaned Hobby Lobby out.  I got every single small jar they had (19, to be exact...gotta get that number up to 150 by the time August 4th rolls around & I will be displaying/giving them out of this amazing red chest) and 10 of the bigger ones to use as aisle runners. 

All that and more for less than $20!!!  And I thought that was a ridiculous deal.  Just wait, because.........

What you see above is 54 glorious Mason jars that I found at an estate sale place.  They are moving locations & don't want to have to take anything with them to the new facility, so everything is dirt cheap.  When my grandmother called to tell me about them, she thought one basket was $2.  I walked up front to ask the manager...$0.20 apiece!  Needless to say, I scoured that place for about an hour getting every single jar I could find.  I expected it to come out to $11 or so, but when she rang me up she informed me that it was $7.  SEVEN DOLLARS.  FOR FIFTY-FOUR MASON JARS!!!!!  Now, I know I'll never use all of these in the wedding even if they are on every table and lining every aisle.  I know!  So I sorted through them and kept the Ball jars & was SO excited to give the Kerrs to my sweet friend Mandie!  I just love having someone to share my insane love of antique glass jars with :)

I'm so excited about all of the jars that I've gotten over the last week that I even made Mitchell listen to the WHOLE story behind them on the way home from the Dome.  I think he secretly liked it :) if not he was trapped inside Anthony's truck so oh well!  There's more "real" wedding stuff to update with later, but before I go, two quick things.


1.  Fabulous red & teal sequined inspiration fabric that I saw at HobLob & couldn't resist capturing.

2.  Okay, I was having this debate with Anthony.  TELL me he does not look like Tim Tebow That's right, you can't.  Because he SO does.  Hahaha :) next time you see him, just call him Tim!  It will be great.

More about serious wedding things later, friends!

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